A bit looney in Juney.

Well. It happened again! I got distracted and off task! But it was a good a tangent to fly off on, and I have learnt a lot. Let me start at the beginning. There is a lot going on in my head at the moment, and it is good to write and express. I read something the other day, writers write to really work out what their feelings are. So here you go, a divulgence, a degustation of ideas and thoughts and hopefully insights to living a better, happier life. I hope this resonates with you too, I often find we are all going through somewhat similar things in life, this quite strange human experience that we are all in. 

Where to begin? I returned to Perth from Port Hedland around March and completed some fairly major house renovations. I really enjoyed the creative process of seeing everything come together, after many years of planning and perusing Pinterest and other home design sites, I am happy with the results. I rendered an internal wall, covering up an 80’s brick look, primed it with white for now in anticipation of a feature colour…for one rainy day in the future. For now I am enjoying fresh crisp white, so fresh. Trust me I have so many other colours going on in my place that it is almost peaceful! It will become an art wall soon enough!!! YES! Now that is a brilliant idea. Overall, I added cupboards, bench top and tiling to my laundry, added a new vanity, mirror and feature tiles in my bathroom and added new tiles in the kitchen. It all added up, tradies cost a lot. But hopefully it has also added value to my place too. Are you into home renovations? Are you a Bunnings addict like me? Jeeze I need shares in that place! I personally love to tinker away job by job, the results have been great. Oh one last thing I did was paint all my back pavers. They all look so clean and fresh now. I went with an Ironstone colour bond blue, I think it looks great, but I guess I am bias. Most people may think it looks too blue. But blue is the best. Followed closely by green.  
I actually added that in from the last blog that I wrote that I didn’t post. My energy then is slightly different to how I feel now. Amazing how in time we develop a different perspective in life. My energy has been a bit chaotic, and off and weird, and it’s time now to find my grounding and get centred. I have really been feeling lots of concepts of HOME this past week, and I know that I need to get back to a place of creature comfort once again, and release some angst that really is not helping me or anyone else around me right now. But that is okay. Life is like this. Ebbs and flows, high and low tide, it feels transformative and that is a good thing. Hopefully I will pop out the other side stronger, better, brighter and lighter. We must work on ourselves and try and resolve those internal issues. Other wise you will just keep repeating the same destructive patterns over and over. So, do the work I must, fix the issues I will! 

Recently a new opportunity came up for me to travel to a small town 6 hours south east of Perth for a small teaching contract. It has proved to be a little gem of a place! I have been teaching Art/ICT/HASS from grades Pre primary all the way through to year 10. I have really enjoyed teaching smaller children for a change and having the freedom to work autonomously in a creative way has been great. I see lots of potential in this position and I am very tempted to stay longer, even to the end of the year. However, I feel like it is another distraction, pulling me away from Perth once again and perhaps away from a reality I need to face in my own home? Or maybe I should not be so mental about it and just go with the flow and see what happens? I normally do just follow the bouncing ball in life. It really does lead you on quite interesting adventures! Until a time comes where you realise you are completely off track from where you really want to be and from what you really want to be doing! Argh!! Opportunities are everywhere, and if this one doesn’t feel quite right, I do know there will be more down the track. 

Right now I am in Esperance for the weekend, which has been fabulous. I started the weekend with a drive down to Hopetoun and to the Fitzgerald national park. I was so impressed with this park! Impressive displays of wildflowers, epic coastal views, lots of walks, and beautiful vistas, it was my first time here, and I already plan to return. I took lots of photos, took a nice walk along the coast, and then jumped back in the car and had a wander around Hopie. I then drove on to Esperance and stayed with my friends parents who are amazing and lovely and so kind to host me, not once but twice in two weekends! YES you can adopt me pretty please! I love parents. Parents are the best. Even other peoples parents. We played lots of canasta and had lots of good chats and shared yummy meals. I was very spoilt. Sunday afternoon we went off for a spin in their Morris minor to the local brewery to sample some pale ales and relax and chat in the sunny afternoon. It was lovely. I will be back!

Esperance is a really beautiful coastal town about 8 hours south east of Perth. They have amazing beaches, and lots to see and do. I went to the local markets in the morning, quite happily wandering around buying a few things and I also thoroughly enjoyed the local bookstore. I was drawn to this particular book called HOME, which talked about the concept of hygge, which is all about creating cosiness in a home. It literally brought me to tears. I nestled into the couch in front of the electric fire and flipped through the pages, engrossed in lake houses, cosy nesting places of creature comforts and it really made me realise this internal yearning I have of wanting to be HOME. Wherever that may be, I need to find it and bloody well stay there!!!! So I did what I never do and I bought this book. It was super pricey, but I like to support local business, and it is a solid reminder to me right now of what is really important in my life. Home is really inside us wherever we go, but if you are as restless, unsettled and ungrounded as I am feeling right now, it just feels always out of reach. This is what I need to work on! I wrote some poems last week about it which I will share with you too. Hope you like them, can you relate? And how did you overcome these emotions?

Technically I have one more week remaining in this cute new school in the south east. I know I may get the pull to stay longer, I am already feeling it. But also the need to go home is quite strong. The good news is, there is no wrong idea or option, it is all just options and choices. I could walk down that path a little longer, turn around and go in a different direction. What I do know is I am feeling the need to settle for awhile again now after much turbulence over the past 6 months. My personal life needs a reset, and really it is up to me to make my life as awesome as possible. I plan to roll my flannelette sleeves up and take action! It is happening! 

Okay I hope you have enjoyed a little insight to my looney Juney brain. Feel free to comment and offer life advice. All offers considered! 
Anita xxx

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