November 2021

I have not written my blog for quite some time, not that it hasn’t crossed my mind that I wanted to write, I suddenly felt exposed. I am an over sharer, I know that, and I do it to ultimately enlighten myself with my own thoughts in a self indulgent way, but also to connect with those who may read my words. When I don’t write, it feels like it all gets muddled up there, and when I do write, I realise how very eloquent and expressive I actually can be…it all just needs an avenue of expulsion, a way to release. Putting these words together ultimately helps my brain, make sense of the madness, and hopefully give you yet another perspective of a rambling mind, in a helpful sort of way…somehow!

So. Where to begin. Well. I have basically been everywhere in WA since the start of year, and at times multiply times over. From  Wyndham to Esperance (look on a map!) What Covid restrictions you may ask? Well in WA we have virtually remained unaffected by Covid and had only limited lockdowns, no more than 2 or 3 weeks at a time. We have been very lucky. However, we basically have not even gone through the first wave. When I know all around the world most places are on their 4th or 5th wave of lockdowns. It basically feels like a foreboding imminence is arriving. A dark wave is coming! Arghhh! I am not actually fearful, where some people are, but personally I just don’t want to go into lockdowns and have work options withdrawn. Luckily for me, this year has been full of work, travel and adventure. 

I started in Port Hedland for about a month. Knowing what I know now, I wish I had stayed on, but I didn’t. I came back to Perth and settled down briefly. Then, I went to Ravensthorpe, to teach Art, which was fab! I took a few trips to Esperance and gallivanted around the coastline staying with my friends lovely parents. I love parents. I will literally adopt anyones parents! I also sort of wish I stayed on there in Ravie, but I sadly broke up from my boyfriend at the same time, so that sent me into a spin and really I just wasn’t up for it. 

After another stint relieving in Perth schools I soon was offered another gig teaching Art up in Kununurra, which was FAB. I was there all term, which is a pretty good achievement for me, extending my contract by 6 weeks. I taught some very talented kids, really flexed those creative muscles with them, and explored the region thoroughly. I had always wanted to go to the Kimberleys so this was a great opportunity for me to get paid and travel and have an awesome experience. I managed to squeeze in 4 tours, Bungle Bungle fly over and day tour, Ord river boat cruise, Lake Argyle boat cruise and an El questro adventure exploring Emma Gorge, Chamberlain gorge by boat and Zebedee hot springs. All amazing experiences. Kununurra really do tourism well, and have lots of organised tours fairly reasonably priced too. I made some new friends, went swimming almost every day and ate lots of delicious locally grown melons, papaya and bananas. My time was up at the end of the term and it was back to Perth for me. 

After all this time in regional towns now, I feel way more comfortable in smaller places. Perth city feels overwhelming to me now, too big, too noisy, too much going on. I am slowly adapting again, it just takes time. But the glint and glimmer of city life only makes me glum! Argh! Who am I now? My identity is shifting and morphing and I really can not keep up with my own thought trains, which send me off into all sorts of directions mentally. Do you ever have the overwhelming desire to keep reinventing yourself? I do. It is actually quite exhausting. I wish I could be happy with just staying still. Stay home. Get cosy. I have a lovely home here in Perth. But I continue to feel agitated, discombobulated, antsy, and daily I plan a potential escape route. 

Today I went on a bike ride around town to Lake Monger with a friend, which was great. Perth is a really pretty city. Much greener these days, with lots of tree planting done in recent years. Yesterday I was swimming in aqua blue sea, magical really. So lucky. There is so much to enjoy here. My biggest joy comes from my garden. I have created a beautiful and peaceful sanctuary in my own backyard. I am growing as many trees as I can squeeze in, birch trees, flowering plums, lavender, roses, mint, all sorts. It is quite the menagerie of plants. And I love it. I can potter around for hours lost in weeding, moving things around, snipping here, sweeping there, tippy toppy, toddling around and basically loving it all. Ideally I would like a garden 20 times bigger, but for now, today, it is perfect for me. 

The end of the year is approaching now, 4 weeks left at school. Running on terms, teacher life is set to 4 chapters a year! And this is the final chapter, the down hill slide! I have been working in primary and secondary schools teaching as a relief teacher again, and it has been good to get back to my old schools that are familiar territory. I am not sure what next year will bring. If I sign up again for the flying squad, it could take me all around the state again and potentially into a job that could be longer term, which perhaps is what I am ready for. 

A good reminder, right now you are exactly where you are meant to be. I have second guessed many of my movements for the past year, as I have had to make some big decisions on my movements for jobs, and where I am living.  But ultimately, everything is exactly as it should be, acceptance is the only way forward. As I type this sitting here in my garden, I know that the past is done. Those doors are shut, now it is time to look ahead to the new open doors and see which opportunity will come up next. It is actually a very exciting time. Transition periods in life can be daunting and overwhelming. Remember to breathe, relax, and know the best is still to come. What has come is gone. I know I am too busy looking at some of those closed doors. Turn around, and start stepping towards a brighter future. One step at a time, one day at a time. One moment at a time. Now is really all we have. 

It is my birthday once again soon. I get a bit dicky at this time of year, xmas too. But one thing I like to do is write down all the awesome things that have happened this year. It is a good way to reflect and remember the highlights. We sometimes are so busy rushing forward and looking ahead, it is good to reminisce the high points, of which there were many! So that will be next time…

I hope this finds you well and happy wherever you are in the world, I know I have readers overseas in many places. Please say hi! I would love to hear from you! 🙂 

Any new takers on writing letters? My pen pals seem to have fallen off the radar lately! I love writing letters 🙂 

Okay that’s it from me. 

Anita xx

‘If in doubt, do nothing’. ~ thought me just now. 

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