Ideas for my house.

I am continually thinking of ways to improve my home. This post will cover some ideas I have to make my home even better than it is already!

# 1. Stick on tiles for the bathroom/kitchen/laundry. Stick on tiles are a new fad and easily a cheap and easy fix to improving the decor in the wet areas. Here are some tile ideas that I really like and thinking about using.

# 2.  Decking. I am thinking about decking my back patio area, under the verandah. I have seen some good decking at Ikea however pricing it seems it will cost close to $600 to cover the entire area. A worthy investment? Not sure. This is basically the decking from Ikea, and to have a pool is more of a dream!

#3. Stained glass window. I have this weird door that separates my living area to my bedroom area, and I have been thinking that a door with stained glass in it would look amazing. I went to a friends house recently and was very inspired by one of her doors she had in her bedroom. A full stained glass window door, full of colour. It looked great. Just how to go about putting it into my house is the question.

# 4. Painting more. I am thinking of painting a little more in my lounge room. I love colour and I really enjoy painting. Why not keep on licking those walls with juicy colours? YAS!

# 5. Shelving. I love a good floating shelf. Now that I have installed a new blind in the kitchen I need somewhere to put all my plants and glass bottles that I had previously sitting on the window sill. So… looks like I will need to put a small floating shelf in the kitchen.

So there are a few new ideas. Ofcourse I am currently in spend less August so right now I am simply formulating ideas and resisting spending any money!

What do you think of my new ideas?

Anita xx


One thought on “Ideas for my house.

  1. I love the blog post about live your truth. Honestly I think if people become true to theirself, I do believe many people or this society would most likely figure out whether you are a person that cares more about the truth or decides to take another route.

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