Part 1: Arriving to Warburton

Part 1: Arriving to Warburton
Teaching in one of the remotest parts of WA became an opportunity for me only a short time ago. I like the variety and flexibility my job can offer me, and I like to be the YES girl. When presented with the offer to go teach remote for 4 weeks, with only some minor hesitation, I went with my gut and agreed. Why not live in the middle of Australia for a month and experience a whole new way of life? 
I look forward to sharing with you some amazing aboriginal art work!
I have been dreaming of a working holiday for some time, so I was chuffed with myself when I manifested this reality. Off I went to the airport, at the crack of dawn Monday morning. Greeted by a mad competitive twittering of birds, and a plethora of men clad in yellow high vis (visibility: for those not fluent in aussie abrevo’s/aka abbreviations), our mining worker bees; I was ready, ready for adventure!
I love flying and especially the opportunity to take a few good aerial shots. I was lucky to sit next to a (clean) window seat and snapped happily away in between snacking, reading, snoozing and smiling. Landing in Alice Springs, I soon made my way to a very fancy pants hotel called the Crown. I am a backpacker traveller so it was a real treat to stay in a luxurious hotel, and experience how the other side live, all for FREE! I will keep up that annoying free phrase don’t you worry! 
It is amazing how mountainous it is out in the middle of Australia, and the colours are amazing!
On arrival I was determined to explore and experience ALL the facilities, so I jumped into my bathers and made my way to the pool. Affectionately called MY POOL for the day, I was delighted by the massive blue lap pool and spacious swimming zone. I swam as many laps as I could manage, lounged around on the deck chairs for a bit and generally felt pretty chuffed with myself, because it was all FREE, and it was awesome! Lol.
My pool at Crown in Alice for the day. I was SO HAPPY!!
For my next free activity, I made use of the free mountain bike use for guests. I cycled into town admiring all the lovely trees along the dried up river bed. It’s a pretty hot, dry and dusty town, with an amazing sprinkling of gum trees with ghosty white trunks. I love trees. There were massive outcrops of rocks here and there too, it is quite hilly out there, surprising right?
I then proceeded to explore a few art galleries and chat to the ladies working there. I took many photos of magnificent aboriginal artworks, so spiritual, and feminine and colourful. While drinking a fresh juice in the mall, I got chatting with another lady  named Jess, who was a nurse, and by chance was going to be on the same flight as me in the morning! She was heading to a different remote community town for 6 weeks of nursing work. I then bought a few things from the shops then made my way back to my fancy hotel, I had facilities to use!! 
I jumped back into the pool to cool off as the temps were around mid 30’s, although it felt like 42 with humidity. I then had a little siesta, nice. Then went to the gym for a slightly lame workout of 30 mins, I am not super motivated in gyms, but I do my best! I then showered and dressed and made my way to dinner. I went to one of the restaurants attached to the hotel called Tali, and the staff were great. I ate my FREE meal of pad thai, and a dessert of lemon grass creme brûlée, and off I toddled back to my room. It had been a big day, and after a small show on Netflix (because you guessed it, it was FREE), I was off to sleep in my massive queen bed with crispy white crunchy fancy pants expensive hotel sheets. And loving it. 
Up again at sparrows fart (that’s really early), I was off in my FREE taxi back to the airport, and onto a smaller mail plane to the remote town of Warburton. Again the scenery was amazing! So mountainous and rocky and such uninhabitable land. I took another million photos then crunched down on my free Minties to stave off airsickness. After 3 hours or so we were landing in a very red middle of nowhere place, with splashes of green, and I was home for 4 weeks.  
I spent the rest of the day at school, meeting staff and students and getting a little familiar with the routines. The kids seem amazing, energetic, alert, happy, all very brown with lots of sun streaked blonde hair. Many were curious about me, coming over and touching and grabbing at my shiny rings and necklace. They certainly are not shy! I think I was the shy one for a change! I am not that used to little children, so it will be an adaptation for me to learn about them too. But I look forward to it!
I then was driven to the shops to buy some very over priced food, fortunately that was also free for me. There is a big shortage of fresh food currently as the road between Kalgoorlie and Warburton is blocked due to floods, so…hopefully there will be fresh food next week. That’s how things roll out here! So I grabbed the last 4 capsicums, some oranges (the only fruit there), and a bag of onions; the only other vegetables! Whatever, rolling with it. I just have to get a bit more creative in the kitchen!
I was then driven to my new home, which turns out to be pretty good! Relatively new, and with good locks,  I unpacked my belongings and proceeded to make the place more liveable. I cleaned everything, including the kitchen blinds and on top of the fridge, and windows and switches, and mopped the floor. I then made dinner and chilled out. My TV does not work, there is literally a pair of scissors jammed into the aerial point, I imagine to assist the aerial in functioning, although failing… But I did find a radio, so on that went. I also have my apple Music, free, which I got when I signed up with Telstra just recently. Lucky I did, as Vodafone does not work out here!
Overall it was a good first day. My anxiety of not knowing was put to rest. I know now! I know it will be a challenge, it will be a unique experience and it will certainly be a memorable opportunity. This quote came to mind when thinking about writing this blog:
‘Life is a daring adventure, or nothing’ – Helen Keller (I think!)
I hope you enjoyed my first blog and I hope you can join me on my outback adventure over the next month!
Lots of love!
Anita xx

5 thoughts on “Part 1: Arriving to Warburton

  1. Thanks Steph!! Glad you like it! Yes I have been writing lots already. I posted 2 but written 3, will write more over the weekend. Now a long weekend! X


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