Turkey Part 2: Sailing from Olympos to Fethiye, and loving it!

Magical sunsets and peaceful days, made for a very relaxing and enjoyable experience.
Magical sunsets and peaceful days, made for a very relaxing and enjoyable experience.
As the waves rolled, we continued cruising along the coastline, white foam bubbling welcoming our journey. I had been on the boat for less than 24 hours and I had already fallen into a new comfortable, easy and very relaxed routine.
With no internet for 4 days, I could enjoy simply the conversations of my fellow passengers, read books, write, watch the ever changing horizon, and relax, something I find hard to do. The lolling and flowing of the boat repetitively was calming, and the balmy hot weather and cool salty ocean all helped to wash away my stress and occasionally rising anxieties.
Loving all the rich colours in the sky.
Loving all the rich colours in the sky.
I woke thinking of my Mum taking her last breath. How agonising this was for her, and how difficult this period of time in my life was. It was in the past now but this dying breath would come to me frequently, my beautiful loving Mum who I missed so much. She would be happy to know I was sailing in Turkey and making the most of my life, and so would my Dad, he loved boats and loved to sail at every opportunity.
Love clouds and I love colour.
Love clouds and I love colour.
My passengers were a real mix. I first made friends with a couple who were expats living in Azerbajan; he a Principal of a school and she a primary teacher. I really liked them immediately, and we fell into an easy and comfortable conversation which continued all day and into the night. They had lived very interesting lives, all over the world, and had many stories to share. They were igniting my passion for international teaching again. I love to meet interesting people, I really love the energy they exude, their passion for life and their willingness to design and live their lives in such a unique, creative and intelligent way.
The other sea farers were all very young, but as the day continued, we all eased into a strangely cohesive comfortable group. Mostly paired, the young couples were on their overseas adventures for the first time, excited and open minded they were like sponges ready and willing to absorb their foreign and new environments. Their hot bodies, and youthful ambitions were refreshing.
We pulled in and out of coves, stopping for an hour here and there, swimming in the salty sea at every opportunity. The water was deep, an inviting dark blue marine colour, and crystal clear. Small blue fish darted around in schools and the occasional turtle showed its shy face.
I really was enjoying my sailing trip so far. There were few to no decisions to make, between which cool drink to choose, to sit at the front of the boat in the sun, or to sit at the back in the shade. To swim or not to swim. To read or not to read. Gosh, life was tough. I was turning a rich shade of bronze, I am sure my friends back home, pale from a cold winter will be more than envious of my break in the sun.
Until next time,
Anita xx

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