Part 4: Start of the weekend.

Part 4: Start of the weekend.
Waking at the crack of dawn, has become the new norm for me. I am normally in bed around 8.30pm but last night I pushed it to 9.30pm as I got the TV to finally work! So that was exciting to watch a little bit of Friday night entertainment. I was too exhausted to do anything else! My first week out here had been massive.  My brain and my body were tired and ready to rest. 
By Friday afternoon for most Teachers, we are very happy to see 3pm. In my case I was happy to see 1.30pm, because the last hour of the school day was spent at the pool, YES! I had a treat in store after school, I went to go see the local Art Gallery with some of my colleagues, and it was wonderful! So much beautiful art. I loved it. Well worth a visit if you ever make it out here. 
I then made it home and collapsed for an hour or so to rest. I was determined to go for a swim around 5pm, so up and out I went, and stumbled upon a game of tennis at the school. I jumped in and played in my thongs, true country style, for 40 mins or so. It was great fun! We just tied a rope across the basketball court, and voila! Tennis net! It was so much better too, because the ball does not ever get trapped at the net, lol!
We then went for a swim across the road at the pool. I have a key to the pool and it is free to use, plus I can go in any time I like. Now that is a very good thing for me! The sun was setting as we were swimming, throwing magnificent golden hues of pink and yellow into a glowing sky. It was the only time I had not brought my phone, as is always the case when there is a brilliant sunset right? I jumped out of the pool and ran all the way home to try and capture some of its colour, alas, I was a little late. I do have many more nights out here, so will be keeping a close eye on it! 
The last remnants of the setting sun! I will be sure to have my phone handy for every sunset from now on.
After school yesterday after we played tennis, I had this one boy come up to me who I had taught a few times during the week. He was a bit naughty at school, impulsive, but overall pretty good. He knows right from wrong, but pushed the boundaries every now and again. Without a word, he came straight up to me and gave me a big beautiful hug. It was so nice. He was gentle, and then squeezed a little tighter at the end for full effect. He was being very genuine and loving and it was a lovely affectionate gesture which I really appreciated. Hugs are too rare in my life, and I am loving the frequent affection of these beautiful brown eyed children. 
I woke this morning very early, around 445am, after a strange dream. I spoke of my Father yesterday, and he turned up in my dreams last night. He was nice to see as always, and I always feel like my connection is strengthened to him in spirit world when he comes to me in dream form. Strangely in this dream, there was a big fire at a public pool in Perth that I used to frequent. He was trapped inside and rather than choosing to leave the burning building he was ready to die, and wanted to stay. There was another lady in there too with a small child. As dreams go there were many confusing elements, and the entire building did not burn down as predicted. Anyhow, it was weird, but it was nice to see my Dad. 
This morning I decided to try my luck at going for a run. I love to exercise outside, but here it is a little different. I managed to go walking the other day with some friends which felt much safer, so I will try for that again this week. I put on my fly net, and stepped out my front door. Immediately there were a few straggly dogs kicking around wondering what the heck I was doing. I can be a little scared of dogs, and I had no idea how safe these ones were. So I picked up a rock and slightly feigned throwing it, they trotted off and left me alone. Good. I started jogging down the road to other dogs barking, and flies buzzing around my ears, thank goodness for the fly net that was a great purchase. I waved hello to a lady sleeping outside her house on a mattress, she waved back. Nice. Then I was on the runway! The air strip is the safest and longest stretch of flat ground for jogging out here. I enjoyed it too!
On the way back to my house, I see a young toddler running down the street in just a nappy, quite happy, I even said hello to her. She said hello back and seemed to be on a mission to go somewhere important. She was followed by two happy tail wagging dogs, her little protectors I guess, it brought a smile to my face. A few new experiences by 6am! 
I am always learning here. I have learnt so much already about aboriginal culture, I have seen some amazing art work, beautiful landscapes and I have really enjoyed teaching in the school here. So far it is all going well! 
I hope you are enjoying my out back experience vicariously through me! 
Have a great weekend! My plan so far…Aqua aerobics at the pool at lunchtime, then a party tonight, then hopefully some tennis in the morning and a little road trip out to the Bat caves! Lots of new experiences to come! 
Anita x

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