Interview with James Fry: Author!

This is James, he is awesome. This article will describe why...
This is James, he is awesome. This article will describe why…

I have recently been very motivated to interview other writers, artists and anyone who crosses my path that has inspired me. James was one of these people, mainly because he has published a book and I think that is a huge accomplishment and very awesome. So here are some answers he gave me… hopefully he will inspire you too!

What inspired you to write a book?

Boredom. I was going absolutely insane with the ground-hog day like routine of my suburban life. To curtail this a little, I decided I needed to start growing something I could be passionate about.

Being an avid reader, I had always thought I might want to give writing a serious crack. When considering what genre to attempt first, I figured I start with my own story. After all, it was something I knew well.

What are your passions in life? 

Nature, fitness, writing and my family.

Oh and coffee. Though the latter is definitely driven more by addiction rather than free choice.

I also love to drink coffee. It is a very motivating beverage...
I also love to drink coffee. It is a very motivating beverage…

What advice would you give to your younger self?

Don’t let fear influence your choices. It is very clichéd, but you are bound to fail at 100% of the things you never try. Take some calculated risks, trust in yourself and even if it doesn’t work out, the sky isn’t going to fall in.

What are three things you want to do more of?

Travel, exercise and study.

3 places you want to visit around the globe and why?

New York City

From what I can gather, unless you are wealthy, life in the big apple can be a real struggle.

But, having grown up on a diet of Hollywood portrayals of this city as a 24/7 hustling, bustling, melting pot of culture and chaos; I would love to spend a few weeks immersed in all thing New York. Bagels in Central Park, a visit to the Met and a ride out to Brooklyn on the subway.


Just like the Big Apple, my desire to visit Old Blightys’ capital is based on nothing more than a romantic perception and a love for historic buildings. I also might have a bit of a thing for refined English accents.



A scenic shot of Tehran ~ looks very beautiful and might be a place I would like to visit too! Photo credit here.
A scenic shot of Tehran ~ looks very beautiful and might be a place I would like to visit too! Photo credit here.

Despite being governed by nutjobs, for the most part Persians have always struck me as being highly intelligent and cultured people. This rich vein of humanity appears to be reflected nowhere better than on the streets of Tehran. With a vibrant café culture and stunning architecture, I am pining to visit this city and meet its inhabitants.

And, if we are being honest, I love Persian food. The closest I ever got to thinking I should probably take myself to an emergency department from overeating was after visiting a delicious Persian buffet.

Any tips for your fellow writers?

Artist Brett Whiteley once said something to the effect of ‘Painters, Paint. Writers, Write’. Simple but true. So many budding writers let self-doubt stop them even before they have even typed the first sentence of their intended story. As crippling as it can feel it times, you must never let self-doubt hold you back. Get writing.

It doesn’t have to be perfect the first go. In fact, there is little chance it will be. As long as you make a start, that is the most important thing. You can always go back and revise and edit later.

Richard Flanagan said he had burned several full draft manuscripts of what was to become the Man Booker Prize winner, The Narrow Road to the Deep North, before he was even ready to submit it to his publisher for consideration.

What are you really proud of doing in the last year?

Having my first book, That Fry Boy published was a pretty awesome feeling.

This is James Fry's book cover. Check it out!
This is James Fry’s book cover. Check it out!


What advice could you give to others who are thinking about permanently giving up drinking?

If you are having no trouble keeping away from the bottle on your own, then that’s great, I commend you. But if it’s proving more difficult then you first imagined, remember you don’t have to do it alone.

There are many of us who, in the not too distant past have been exactly where you are and would only be too happy to help. A first step in finding appropriate assistance might include popping by your local twelve-step group or organising an initial appointment with a good drug & alcohol counselor.

What advice can you give about publishing?

If you are writing your first book, I strongly consider trying to land a deal with a traditional publishing house before considering self-publishing. Major publishers know the book world like the back of their hand and will draw on a raft of in house publicists, editors and designers to ensure your book has the best chance of standing out in a crowded market. 

Self-publishing is of course becoming more and more of a legitimate alternative to those who either couldn’t find a publisher or simply wanted to retain more control of their work. Unfortunately though, self-publishing still gets a bad wrap. Much of which is legitimate. Amidst the great self-published books, there are countless more examples of poorly refined work that have been dumped into the marketplace, with very little attention paid to editing or layout. All issues that would have received careful attention by a publisher.

James Fry was an inspiration to me when I came across him online. I love to learn from other creatives and I am inspired by his ability to write and publish his book, a goal of mine I wish to bring to fruition in the near future. Please take a look at his website for more information on this uplifting young man here:

Thanks James!

If you are interested in being interviewed and would like to feature on my blog, please contact me on or simply comment on this article.

Anita xx

“Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing” ~ Benjamin Franklin

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